Design notes

What is the issue?

Suppose we have a Result and an alias for it:

type StachuResult<'a> = Result<'a, StachuError>
type StachuResult2<'a> = | Ok of 'a | Error of StachuError

We need to ensure that the names sync up during equality

let randomStachuErr(): StachuResult<Int> =
  PACKAGE.Darklang.Stdlib.Result.OK 1

let random(): Result<Int, StachuError> =
  StachuResult.Ok 1

random() == randomStachuError() // true
let randomStachuErr2(): StachuResult2<Int> =
  PACKAGE.Darklang.Stdlib.Result.OK 1 // type error - also runtime error when we typecheck the return type

let randomStachuErr'(): StachuResult2<Int> =

randomStachuErr'() == random() // false (type error)

StachuResult2.Ok is not a Result, but StachuResult.Ok is.

Our EEnum needs to reflect what is typed - i.e. we wrote StachuResult.OK, not just Result.Ok. But then we later need to do the alias resolution to know that StachuResult.Ok is equal to Result.Ok

Proposal: parser does that resolution