recently was reaching for Dark tests when writing PrettyPrinter fns
where do tests live? how are they maintained?
unit tests separate from functional tests
unit tests are owned by the tests they’re around
- can be GC’d
- fns that are only called by unit tests are deprecated.
And the ones that are called by functional tests are no deprecated?
functional tests aren’t owned and just live at the root? or within a module?
functional tests will likely be more impure than other things
- httpclient calls
- might start integrating tests and mocks
- result of httpclient call is basically a mock
- traces → tests (button?)
- also, traces from one-off fn calls
- TODO: stachu draw out idea about creating tests from one-off calls in an actual REPL
(how) do tests interact w/ http handlers? crons? etc.
“chat interface is a REPL”
(these sort of interactions fit just as well in a CLI)
→ code
→ talk to AI
edit function
→ Vim (with Dark plugin)
- in browser, we have 3 window thing
- tasks
- chat
- code snippets under discussion
- in CLI/REPL,
- can run code
- can get to equivalent of ‘right column’ via commands like
edit fn
a thought
- rebrand REPL as Script
- a Script is a thing that you run
- “what is a snippet and where do snippets go?”
- what if we threw away current “REPLs” and just used fns instead
- http handler is just fn w/ specific inputs/output (http request, http response)
- repl is just fn with string args
- cron is just a unit fn called at specific time
- worker is just a fn called with an event specific time
- AI can allow us to call any fn from any context
- or adapt fn from any context
- e.g. call System.random, which expects an int. called in CLI, ai could take string argument and convert it into appropriate call
- “give me random number from 1 to 100” →
- snippet is a collection of types and fns
- they can be versioned
- ? most systems have handlers
- handlers exist because we want to have a piece of code on a canvas to look at
- handlers could have expr just to map from the inputs to the fn args, and from the fn results to the handler results
- “snippets don’t fit nicely into any of the shapes we have right now in ProgramTypes”
- most natural destination is “REPL” which is weird
- (DBs don’t follow this logic totally — though, DBs are ‘just a type’)
- “snippets are a collection of types and functions”
- Q: like - an ordered list of tlids that references them externally, or are they fully owned by the snippet?
- “what we are producing in an AI session is a PR”
- this is where feature flags come in
- use feature flag to use something in a branch/snippet/etc.
- branching is a construct for releasing fns (and types) to end users
- if we want to replace part of tyhe prod codebase w/ new stuff, FF concept where branch is chosen based on [condition], to [portion of people based on condition, e.g. “5% of users”]
- snippet is a branch; new snippet iteration is a fork of that branch; can revert etc
- produce tree of exploration that you did; every gets a new version
- TODO: reread git source for inspo
- snippet →
git checkout -b paul/project-x
or w/ timestamp or something
- branch becomes part of type name and version numbers
- don’t just get
User_v1, _v2
- more like we have
- misc: can reference fns/types from one branch in another branch
- feels like Unison
TODO: review Unison
- snippets exist as/with metadata
- misc: as a general take-away, seems worth iterating on how we think about versions - vX seems insufficient
for now
- fns and types are what matters
- snippets → fns and types
- let’s suppose AI returns MyType and myFn
- save those to the canvas as MyType_v0 and myFn_v0
- later the AI produces produces new functions/types
- save those to the canvas as MyType_v1 and myFn_v1
- deprecate MyType_v0 and myFn_v0
(explicitly, later, we will come up with a more complex branching/naming scheme)
constants/”values” fit nicely into this as well
- (same kind of versioning situation)
still need to chat more about Tests and REPLs/scripts and how they fit into this
the real REPL experience is embedded in the “conversation view” UI, and AI I/O is a piece of that
→ repl