Int128 UInt128
Range −170141183460469231731687303715884105728
170141183460469231731687303715884105727 0 to
Parser representation UserNum(value, suffix) → tryparse as Int128 UserNum(value, suffix) → tryparse as UInt128
DB We believe all Int128 values can be stored and queried in the DB.
SqlValue used in dvalToSql/lambdaToSql: int128

int128 is a function that takes a int128 and returns an SqlValue. We are using System.Numerics.BigInteger.op_Implicit to convert it to a bigint Postgres type used: numeric(39,0) | We believe all UInt128 values can be stored and queried in the DB. SqlValue used in dvalToSql/lambdaToSql: uint128

uint128 is a function that takes a int128 and returns an SqlValue. We are using System.Numerics.BigInteger.op_Implicit to convert it to a bigint Postgres type used: numeric(39,0) | | JSON | We believe all Int128 values are supported in Json

Serialize: WriteNumberValue Parse: System.Int128.TryParse(j.GetRawText(), &i128) | We believe all UInt128 values are supported in Json

Serialize: WriteNumberValue Parse: System.UInt128.TryParse(j.GetRawText(), &i128) | | Serialization | Int128 isn’t built-in supported type in MessagePack. We use bigint to serialize int128. Creating custom formatters for Int128 would introduce complexity, especially when dealing with endianness and serialization/deserialization processes. | UInt128 isn’t built-in supported type in MessagePack. We use bigint to serialize int128. Creating custom formatters for UInt128 would introduce complexity, especially when dealing with endianness and serialization/deserialization processes. | | Tests | Roundtrip tests: Serialization tests DB tests: set, query,etc.

Equality tests work | Roundtrip tests: Serialization tests DB tests: set, query,etc.

Equality tests work | | Overflow/Underflow | Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/…: Raise an out of range RTE

SQLCompiler: NotYetImplemented | Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/…: Raise an out of range RTE

SQLCompiler: NotYetImplemented | | Missing functions/constants | - conversions from/to other ints